The family has changed so much in recent years! So much so that it is now necessary to resort to the law to settle what used to remain “in the family”. Astrid and Audrey are mother and daughter, lawyers specialized in family law, and have taken the perilous gamble of working together. From an English bulldog torn apart by the divorce of his masters to a case of gamete dealer, stories of alternating custody or not, of filiation or adoption, of sex change or grandparents deprived of their grandchildren, the cases follow one another and are not alike. The only thing they have in common is that their protagonists are in conflict, touching, to be slapped, or comical, that’s us!

Series for France Télévisions
Since 2017

Directed by Pascal Fontanille

Production : Merlin Productions/Fontaram Production

With Catherine Marchal, Ophelia Kolb, Charlotte des Georges

Broadcasting : France 2